ESPID Annual Meeting Travel Award

ESPID Annual Meeting Travel Award


ESPID Annual Meeting Travel Award

  • The Travel Award will be open to all ESPID members or to those applying for membership.
  • The scheme will provide support for up to 100 ESPID members to attend the Annual Meeting.
  • IMPORTANT: When submitting  your abstract/s for the 2020 Meeting, you must complete the travel award application form DURING your abstract submission. You must submit your abstract before the January 27, 2020 abstract deadline in order to be eligible for consideration. Those who submit more abstracts for the Annual ESPID Meeting are more likely to receive an award. You will need your unique abstract ID(s) in order to complete this application and get your maximum score.
  • Criteria for success includes: professional qualifications and degrees, and previous and current abstract submissions to the ESPID Meeting. There are no exclusions based on age.
  • Awards will be made using a points system which includes credit for the number of abstracts submitted to this Annual Meeting and previous Meetings.
  • Applications to the scheme must be made online by January 27, 2020.
  • Successful applicants will receive benefits including support for economy class air and/or train travel to Rotterdam, a hotel booking to a 2-3 star hotel for up to 5 nights in a single room, and free registration for the Meeting.

Please note the important information below:

  • Session Attendance – ESPID requires recipients of the travel award to attend the meeting throughout.
    • Attendance is logged by personal badge scanning on entry to or arrival at each session.
    • Any award recipients whose logged attendance falls below 80% of timetabled periods during the main meeting (Tuesday pm to Friday am inclusive) will be permanently excluded from applying for ESPID travel awards in the future.
    • Accordingly you should not apply unless you intend to be present throughout the meeting and, if you receive an award, it is critical that you log your presence at every session you attend.
  • Registration and Accommodation – Please note that successful applicants will receive a special link to register and book their accommodation for the Meeting. Please note that the conditions of the funding given to ESPID for the award scheme prevent us from reimbursing any registration expenses and hotel bookings you make yourself.
  • Travel bookings – Please note that successful applicants will be required to contact our officially appointed travel agent and make their travel booking through the designated travel agent. The travel agent will search for a flight to Rotterdam (or train to Rotterdam) which meets your allocated travel amount (this may be the cheapest available flight which can be direct or indirect and, for train travel, may be at off peak times to minimise costs). If you are travelling by air, please note that travel between your home and your local airport and between Rotterdam airport and the venue, cannot be funded as part of the travel support for the award due to the conditions of the funding given to ESPID for the award scheme. You will need to cover these costs yourself. Please note that once a flight/train ticket is booked, changes cannot be made to the booking. Travel bookings made on your own will not be reimbursed.


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